Meeting The Forecast
Compelling evidence sourced through publicly listed information and reports tabled by various government institutions combine to reveal the acute state of Australia’s transport infrastructure, with particular emphasis placed on NSW transport and freight logistics infrastructure.
Efficient freight logistics infrastructure is fundamental to the growth and well being of Australia’s national economy. As outlined in various discussion papers and reports, Australia’s freight task is expected to increase to some 1,540 billion tonne kilometers on or before 2050.
Approximately half of all road freight and three quarters of all inter-capital freight movement in Australia moves through the state of New South Wales for the greater part of the journey signifying the tangible asset value and integral role that NSW transport infrastructure performs daily within the economic structure of the nation’s economy.
Reports tabled by (BITRE) depict the total national freight task in 2030 is expected to be 1.8 times the 2008 level, with the capital city task placed at 1.7 times. This road freight task is highest in Sydney and Melbourne with growth forecast predicted at some 2% per annum for both Sydney and Melbourne.
Of critical concern is the existing eastern seaboard capital transport hubs that are already struggling to meet current demand due to increasing traffic congestion, poorly planned infrastructure network mechanisms. This will be further compounded in the medium term by inadequate landside availability due to ever increasing land use competition.
There is evidence by Sydney’s Port and landside tranpsport infrastructure network and its questionable capacity to meet ever increasing trade growth together with the burdening economic cost of Sydney’s freight and passenger transport congestion, it is critical that efficiency is improved, and where necessary, additional capacity be provided to meet increased demand.
For this reason, Inter-Port GLobal’s project is focused on value-adding to existing NSW core transport infrastructure (Predominately Rail) and providing additional seaport capacity to meet the aforementioned forecast demand.
The key challenge now is to plan solutions that can readily adapt and assist to lower pollution emissions within the freight logistics sector. With freight emissions now contributing to some four percent (4%) of Australia’s national emissions total and with forecasts predicting freight emissions to more than treble to 13.5% by 2020, it is imperative that we act immediately and in a decisive manner to arrest the situation.
The geographical position of Gladstone Port, combined with the proposed upgrades to strategic sections of the QLD and NSW freight rail network, it is conceivable the Inter-Port Global infrastructure network will carry the bulk of the aforementioned tonnages and unlock the productive potential of regional QLD and NSW.
Additionally, it is reasonable to expect that the proposed modification of selected segments of the NSW freight rail network will enhance the opportunity to engage in the handling and transfer of some 50% (68 million tonne) of freight per annum originating from or destined for Central West and or the Southern regions of NSW.